Sunday, September 21, 2014

What's New- September 22!

I hope you read that title as twenty-two and not twenty-second. If you chose the second choice, just know that I intended it to rhyme :P Thanks!

Anyway- lots of things happening today! It is quite an eventful day. Yes, I know that the 22nd is tomorrow, but hopefully if I start this post today, it might be one of the first few on-time posts! Update: fewer things are happening today than I first thought. I read the calendar wrong and an audition that I thought was tomorrow is actually next Monday. I have a whole other week to make up my mind on that now! Oh goodness- that'll be a mess for sure. But: here are a few things that are still happening! 

To start out with, the application for the Disney Ultimate EnginEARing Exploration was due today. I finished it on Saturday, so it is/was all turned in on time. I am super hopeful about it-- I think that having that day with Disney will really help me figure out if I should keep my CS major. I've been really frustrated with the major recently because I don't really know what I could do with CS anymore. I don't want to be stuck behind a desk and coding all day, that literally sounds like torture. Also, I'm not too excited about learning more CS languages-it's been a struggle to pick them up and I'm not responding well to the way Truman has been teaching the languages to us. I understand the theory behind why we are learning the languages that we are, but.. anyway... enh. So we will see. I am really hoping that they chose me of all the applicants so I can ask them all kinds of questions about how they do what they do and why and ah! :) Here's a link with more information about what I'd be doing if they picked me:

Secondly, and on a personal note, today (the 22nd) marks a full month of hanging out/going out with Ryan here in FL. He's been wonderful and adorable to me and I have been having a great time in that aspect :) 

That's all I have for now! Have a Magical Day! See Ya' Real Soon! 

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