Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Little Bit About What I Do!

I create Magic! 

That's what each of us cast members does here at WDW! Each and every one of us is responsible for keeping the magic alive! What a wonderful job it is :) :) 

However, how we create the magic differs for each of us. I am an Attractions Cast Member at Agent P's World Showcase Adventure at EPCOT. What is that, you ask? That is a great question! We are not necessarily a ride but more of an interactive adventure throughout the World Showcase! We sign you up as a Secret Agent (one of the new unpaid interns of the OWCA ((the Organization Without a Cool Acronym))) and send you off into one of the nearby countries where we have received word that Dr. Doofensmirtz is up to his evil plans! Each of our carts can send you to different countries, so you'll have to visit each of them to find out where you can head to that day. 

We have missions out in 7 of the 11 countries- Mexico, Norway, China, Germany, Japan, France and the United Kingdom! There are four carts you can sign up at- one at the entrance to World Showcase by the Odyssey building, one between Mexico and Norway, one between Italy and the American Adventure and the last one between France and the United Kingdom at the International Gateway! In that aspect, we as cast members get to travel around the world all day everyday... How incredible is that?? 

One of my favorite things about being out at the carts is our Perry Perry cool Pin-Pal, Agent P! For those of you who pin trade when you come to the parks, Agent P would love to pin trade with you- his pins are on his hat!

Another thing Agent P Cast Members are responsible for is Park Clearing! At the end of the night, after most of the day guests have gone home, we are some of the last day-time cast members in the park. It is spectacular to see the park at night; all of the lights have a different kind of romantic magic at night and it is really beautiful to experience. 

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